Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The GateKeeper Vs The Masquerade

The human body has been utilized in these works as a mode of exploring science fiction and personal myth. I create armors and masks that often adorn as well as obscure one’s true identity. In today’s hightech era, these physical metal objects relate to the creation of a digital face as seen in Facebook and other social networking media. Masks and armors are used in my work to fabricate and reengineer personal identity.  Industrial materials such as copper, brass, steel, and aluminum are utilized as physical adornment in addition to electrical components. By dawning the mask along with a persona, it becomes possible to indirectly provoke discomfort from the lack of true information about oneself. As the kinetic sculptor and jewelry artist Ira Sherman asks, “Are people recognizing the moral consequences of their technological achievements?”

Thank you Elaine Bezold for the excellent Photography! 








Pop Performance and Penland School of Crafts